What kind of rock is this? What unit does it belong to?

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A small diagram showing the stratigraphic relationships of different rock units within the field site. The top unit is the Loch Raven Schist. Under the Loch Raven Schist is the Cockeysville Marble. Underneath the Cockeysville Marble is the Setters Formation. Under the Setters Formation is the Baltimore Gneiss.
Hand points to rock outcrop that has dirty layers breaking off in thin planar chunks. Layering is thin and slightly wavy. Mineral details are not visible in this image.
Finger points to close up of minerals in a piece of rock broken off from the outcrop. The fresh surface exposes the small white grains interspersed with black minerals with a micaceous habit that appear oriented parallel to one another. No clear layers are visible in this hand sample.
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