What kind of rock is this? What unit is it a part of? 

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A small diagram showing the stratigraphic relationships of different rock units within the field site. The top unit is the Loch Raven Schist. Under the Loch Raven Schist is the Cockeysville Marble. Underneath the Cockeysville Marble is the Setters Formation. Under the Setters Formation is the Baltimore Gneiss.
Closer view of outcrop that shows many parallel layers and some very complex folding. A chapstick container sits on a particularly complex area where the orientation of the layers change drastically from mostly flat, to heavily folded.
A close up of the millimeter-to-centimeter scale layering in the rock. It is heavily weathered and covered in lichen with no fresh surfaces to be seen. A chapstick container sits on the layers for scale.
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