What kind of rock is this? What unit does it belong to?

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A small diagram showing the stratigraphic relationships of different rock units within the field site. The top unit is the Loch Raven Schist. Under the Loch Raven Schist is the Cockeysville Marble. Underneath the Cockeysville Marble is the Setters Formation. Under the Setters Formation is the Baltimore Gneiss.
Image shows a few decimeter scale layers of rock dipping away from the camera. The underside planar surface is exposed. The rocks are a light brown-tan.
Close up with finger pointing to small black minerals within a tan rock. The black minerals are linear, millimeter scale, and pointing in a common direction from top left of the image to bottom right of the image. The other minerals appear sand-sized.
another close up of rock surface with tan/clear minerals making up the majority of the rock.
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